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The Body Align product I simply and you simply can't do without. 

I have tried almost all of them and trust them to be as advertised.

I exceedingly highly recommend these products to help you with not only protecting your health but enhancing it also!

Are you aware that the Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) waves from 5G don't just give us access to fast internet speeds, but also radiates our body and bombards our brain with harmfuly waves our body's are not designed to deal with?  Yes each "G" (Gigahertz) level higher increases the radiation on our bodies.  Do not worry, however, because Steve Lapowski, a former Texas Instruments Engineer, who worked with a team that developed the 1G and 2G that provided the early, slower, internet solutions noticed way back then that this would just grow and grow (including the radiation from it).  He saw that even the 1G and 2G platforms were harmful to our bodies and could see where this was heading.  His goal was to protect himself, his family and friends and hopefully the whole human race as he formed a new company with amazing products.   He has leveraged some of the amazing technology of Nikola Tesla to develop a form of hologram technology that allows you use your phone to your heart's content, and yet trains protects your body from the intense radiation by the powerful energy waves of the 4G and 5G of our modern mobile technologies.  His two EMF defense products are described to follow along with a bunch of other amazing patches and products that use energy and frequency and that same amazing technology without injesting a single thing into your body?

​​The Body Align Top Products in a Nut-Shell

  • Protect Disk EMF Defense Protect yourself and anyone within about 7 feet or so of your phone - Fight Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) waves from bombarding your body, yet still maintain a strong signal to your phone. 
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  • Protect Disk EMF Defense These work like the Protect discs but are targeted for other EMF devices including laptops, desktops, monitors, routers, TV's and more.  All my equipment have them on them and routers in particular put out strong 5G signals and for laptops the communications work similar to 5G mobile phones.  Any wifi enabled device has the same potential radioactive effects of EMF as a Mobile phone. Use these strips!
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